ask theory, women in stem, pamela tolentino

Hosted by EIC Mikael Angelo Francisco, Ask Theory shines the spotlight on Pinoy scientific brilliance, in a fun and entertaining “kwentuhan” format. Each episode of Ask Theory  features a Pinoy scientist from one of the various scientific disciplines. In a very casual conversation, guests explain what they do in simple terms, as well as share their fascinating stories: how they got into science, the challenges they face, what motivates them to pursue their fields, what future scientists from the Philippines can look forward to, and so much more.

Episode 65: Mahirap Bang Maging Isang Babaeng Scientist?

Pamela Louise Tolentino is a researcher whose specialty lies in the roles of different watershed characteristics and hydrometeorological factors on river discharge. She handles projects involving the fields of hydrogeology, water quality, water resources, climate change, geohazard mapping and geology. She is currently doing her PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Glasgow in the U.K.

We talked about Pamela’s research about rivers in the Philippines, the Philippines’ problems with water, the issues that Pamela aims to address, the power and potential of data when properly handled and interpreted, the joys and challenges of being a female scientist, and more.

How to contact Pamela:

  • Instagram: misspamelalouise
  • Twitter: @rivertropicsph
  • Facebook:
  • Email:

This episode of Ask Theory was made possible by the British Council in the Philippines, in support of their Women in STEM Scholarship program.

Tell a keen Filipina scientist you know about the British Council scholarships for Women in STEM and help them realise their dreams! Visit for more information on how to apply.

Listen to Ask Theory Episode 65 here:

(Full transcript to follow; watch this page for updates)

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Music: Hopeful Cinematic Ambient by bdProductions; My Mysterious Planet by Free Music

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