flipscience, 2020, top 10, science, technology, scitech

At this point, what else can be said about the bizarre year that was 2020? It’s a year that will go down in history as unique and unforgettable; a year that began with the threat of world war, and ended with an ongoing global pandemic. Understandably, scientists poured much of their attention and expertise into studying COVID-19 and developing ways to fight it.

That doesn’t mean, however, that 2020 was a dud of a year for other areas of science. While it may have been a rather hellish rollercoaster ride, some good did come out of it, too.

Here are ten stories we published this year that truly got your attention: FlipScience’s most-read articles from 2020.

10) What will 2020’s ‘Strawberry Moon’ eclipse look like from the Philippines?

flipfact, flipfacts, flipscience, penumbral lunar eclipse, strawberry moon

Despite its fruity name, June 2020’s Strawberry Moon didn’t really turn strawberry red. This is the story behind its succulent sobriquet. Read the story here.

9) What’s the correct way to wear a surgical mask?

face mask, surgical mask, flipfact, flipfacts, flipscience

What’s the proper way to wear a surgical mask? Does it matter which side is facing out? With the help of two Pinoy doctors, we settled the question once and for all. Read the story here.

8) A Filipino scientist found a cancer-killer in snail bacteria—and named it after Bohol

boholamide A, bohol, brain cancer, mollusk, boholamide, truncatella

A Filipino scientist at the University of Utah discovered a new molecule in snail bacteria: boholamide A, a potent cancer-killer. Read the story here.

7) A different “TALA”: A hybrid rocket made by Pinoy high school studentst

hybrid rocket, tala, space science, rocket

A group of high school students from Cebu spent more than a year working on a super-cool special project: a government-supervised hybrid rocket. Read the story here.

6) Ano ba talaga ang ibig sabihin ng ‘mass testing’?

mass testing, covid-19, coronavirus

Sa pagharap ng Pilipinas sa banta ng COVID-19, naging malakas ang pagtawag para sa #MassTestingNowPH. Pero ano ba talaga ang ibig sabihin ng ‘mass testing’? Narito ang mga paliwanag at pananaw ng mga eksperto. Basahin ang istorya.

5) Benham bedlam: Why the Philippine Rise should matter to all of us

apolaki, caldera, philippine rise, benham rise, flipfact, flipfacts, flipscience

Just how rich is the Philippine Rise, exactly—and why should the seemingly endless discussions about it affect even ordinary Filipinos? Read the story here.

4) Help beat COVID-19 in the Philippines: Fundraisers and donation drives you can support

COVID-19, coronavirus, outbreak, epidemic, pandemic, flipfact, flipfacts, flipscience

We asked, and you answered. Here’s a list of Pinoy donation drives and fundraisers you supported, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the story here.

3) The mudworm named after Iloilo—and how it can benefit a billion-peso industry

mudworms, mudworm, marphysa iloiloensis, iloiloensis, polychaetes, polychaete

Meet Marphysa iloiloensis, a mudworm named after Iloilo. Oh, and it could be the key to further enriching the country’s billion-peso shrimp industry. Read the story here.

2) The Manilla Spaniel: the Pinoy dog breed you’ve never heard of

manilla spaniel, manila spaniel

More than a century ago, breeders were in love with the Manilla Spaniel, a toy dog said to be from the Philippines. But why did it mysteriously disappear? Read the story here.

1) ‘Tagapagdaloy’: How Filipino parents can help ensure successful modular distance learning

covid-19, distance learning, modular distance learning, self-learning module

For effective modular distance learning in the Philippines, students must learn supporting skills and study techniques—an area where parents and guardians play a crucial role. Read FlipScience’s top story in 2020 here.

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Author: Mikael Angelo Francisco

Bitten by the science writing bug, Mikael has years of writing and editorial experience under his belt. As the editor-in-chief of FlipScience, Mikael has sworn to help make science more fun and interesting for geeky readers and casual audiences alike.